While shamelessly searching for a gluten-free hamentaschen recipe meant for Marijuana enhancement, I happened upon a bit of an argument online regarding the common practice of weed-smoking on this most ridiculous of Jewish holidays, Purim. These two articles detail why exactly it is verboden to burn it down on Purim, our most flamboyant and drunken holiday. Except for Tu B’Shevat: I go so hard on Tu B’Shevat.
Miriam goes this hard EVERY DAMN DAY
So pot smoking leads to gluttony (duh) and also makes you horny (or tired) which leads to lustfulness which is a no-no, it could also lead to potentially being a brat to your mom or dad, which is a commandment, I think. The biggest and lamest reason is that it is illegal in the U.S. making it illegal for Jews who always obey the laws of our country of residence. Feh.
This isn’t Pesach, where we (theoretically) deny ourselves bread, this isn’t Yom Kippur where we go around apologizing to people we fucking hate have wronged and starving ourselves for a whole day. This is Purim, where you only have to remember the Holocaust (Yom Ha’Shoa) if you want. Nobody is standing over your shoulder enforcing sadness. They are standing over your shoulder refilling your solo cup.
So I guess pot is prohibited like tattoos are prohibited? Just don’t tell ya mutha, unless she is my mutha in which case she will roll you one, yo. HIPPIEPARENTSFTW