Marijuana is now legal in the state of Colorado. What will all of our Rabbis do to keep the young, impressionable, Jewish-Sunday schoolers from smoking the reefer? Or will Rabbis bow to pressure and start smoking with young adults? (I’m looking at you, Chabad – it may to time to move past vodka shots.)
Let’s not kid ourselves, Jews love smoking. Whether it’s because synagogue is so boring (A Serious Man) or because what else are you supposed to do on all those Jewish youth retreats/sleep-away camps after you’ve hooked up with everyone there, weed will be a part of Judaism.
And if you need a strain of weed that promotes Judaism without compromising, may I suggest some Kosher Kush?
Any Colorado readers out there want to share some stories with us? Anonymous or otherwise? Is your Temple looking to sell weed to make some easy money? We’d love to feature your story here!